Hypnotherapie Grundlagenseminare / Milton Erickson Institut Hamburg, Leitung Dipl. Psych. Ortwin Meiss
Hypnotherapie Aufbauseminar: Hypnotherapeutische Ansätze bei Übergewicht und Essstörungen / Leitung Dipl. Psych. Ortwin Meiss
Klinische Hypnose, Hypnosetherapie, Hypnoanalyse / Essex Institut für Klinische Hypnose
Hypnotherapeutische Behandlung von Essstörungen / Berufsverband Deutscher Verband für Hypnose
Hamburger Hypnotherapie Werkstatt /
Six Step Reframing
Katathymes Bilderleben, Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapie, Übungsassistenz in nachfolgenden Seminaren / Institut Imago, Leitung: Dipl. Psych. Prof. Dr. Leonina Kästele
EMDR Therapie / Internationales Forum für ganzheitliche Psychotherapie
MARI-Board, Nutzung von Symbolen - Zugang zu unbewussten Anteilen / Institut Imago
Aufstellung am Systembrett / istob Zentrum für Systemische Therapie, Supervision und Beratung
Universitätszertifikat im Fachbereich Psychologie
Zertifizierung nach den Richtlinien des internationalen Fachverbandes National Guild of Hypnotists NGH
Staatliche Zulassung zur Psychotherapie nach HeilpraktG
10+ Jahre Praxis
Therapiesitzungen in Deutsch und Englisch
Mitglied Berufsverband Deutscher Verband für Hypnose e.V.
The Mindfulness in Psychotherapy Summit - New Evidence-Based Interventions That Work
Training in Advanced Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy: Brief Interventions
Internal Family Systems (IFS), Therapy Introductory Workshop
IFS Immersion, Integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) Across Clinical Applications
Healing with the Arts
Trauma Treatment Training: The Latest Advances and Proven Techniques to Resolve Deeply Held Trauma
EMDR and Telehealth Mastery Course: Advanced EMDR Trauma Treatments via Telehealth & In-Person
Transforming Trauma with Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)
Healing the Hidden Wounds of Trauma and Disconnection
Narcissistic Abuse In-Depth Workshop
Gaslighting: Help Clients Escape and Rebuild from a Narcissist´s Emotional Abuse
Breaking the Cycle of Unhealthy Family Relationships: Top Tools for Better Boundaries
Using Food to Survive Early Trauma: Binge Eating as Self-Harm Behavior
The Body Keeps the Score-Trauma Healing Through the Senses
Intensive Trauma Treatment Workshop: EMDR, CBT and Somatic-Based Interventions to move Clients from Surviving to Thriving
Summit Trauma and Self-Harm: Increase Safety with a New Approach to Cutting, Bingeing, and Addictive Behaviors:
When Hurting Helps: Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) to Transform Trauma and Self-Harm
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy training
Healing from Affairs Training: Moving Past the Trauma of Betrayal and Infidelity
Psychotherapy with Self-Harming Clients: How to Avoid Common Missteps
The Alliance or the Addiction? Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) in the Treatment of Trauma and Problematic Substance Use
Forgiving the Body, Forgiving the Self: Working with Grief and Forgiveness in the Final Stages of Healing from Trauma and Self-Harm
Working with the Cycle of Self-Destructive Behaviors in Traumatized Clients: Harness Clients’ Strengths to Increase Safety
EMDR & Parts Work for Treating Complex Trauma: Somatic Techniques to Decrease Defensiveness and Facilitate Trauma Processing